– The Gerindra Party, which is the bearer of the sole candidate candidate for Makbadar mayor, Munafri Arifuddin-Rachmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu) reported Makbadar mayor Mohammad Ramdan & Danny & # 39; Pomanto to the electoral monitoring agency (Bawaslu) RI.
Danny allegedly violated the fact of having been perceived to be acting in favor of an empty box. Danny was also reported on the alleged detriment of the unique Appi-Cicu cloning, which was brought by the Gerindra Party in the election of the mayor of 2018 (Pilwali) Makbadar.
Responding to this, Danny was relaxed. He claimed not to question his reports. Precisely Danny said, if the report arrives, as well as dishonor itself.
"Please report because it is precisely those who are politicized using the civil state apparatus (ASN) in Pilwalkot Makbadar," he said when confirmed by the team media, via cell, Thursday (5/7).
Danny even accused behind the involvement of the former sub-district chief, urban village and former badistant 1 to the government of the city of Makbadar (Pemkot) very mbadive in favor of the single monopoly. Danny even mentions that it's clear evidence that commits an offense.
"The former sub-district chief, the urban village chief, the former badistant 1 and some lurahs allocated money, especially his speech at that time", was -he explains.
Reporting to Bawaslu is deemed unfounded and covers his own disgrace. "I think this part of the report covers his own shame," he said.
Unfortunately, Danny still hesitates to disclose other related steps that will be performed after their publication. Danny added that he was focused on performing his duties as mayor at the end of his term
(rul / JPC)
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