Request photos and naked videos with credit guarantee


Jakarta – By using credit facilities, customers are generally required to provide security in the form of securities to be guaranteed with objects having a high sale value. But what if the warranty is a bad photo?

Cited from various sources, this phenomenon occurs in China. The warranty or guarantee is subject to a condition before the customer gets credit.

Millennia in many parts of China have become "victims". They do so because they believe that the millennials are eager to have or obtain credit, but their abilities and access are very weak. The millennial generation is considered a desperate generation because it has no guarantee of asking for a credit.

Because of this, credit providers provide a subtle condition that asks potential customers to send bad photos to their customers as collateral. Thus, if the customer pays late, the credit provider threatens to broadcast the bad photos to his family and friends.

These credit providers can be called loan sharks because they have a very high interest, so that clients who have already attracted credit feel trapped in an increasingly heavy debt. In China, this credit service is called "naked credit".

This case actually took place two years ago, precisely in 2016. At the time, there were therefore 161 bad photos of young Chinese women scattered in cyberspace, the pretender being the lender. Victims aged 19 to 23 who borrowed between $ 1,000 and $ 2,000. There are even some lenders who ask these women to have bad to pay off their loans.

Due to the proliferation of these lending services, financial regulators in China have quickly cracked down on these illegal credit providers. Since then, regulators have started to aggressively fight illegal lending companies.

Public security authorities in Shenzhen have recently dismantled unions that already have 300 clients or are more likely to be called victims. Most victims borrow money to play, as well as cosmetic gadgets. A woman would have even had up to 1 million yuan ($ 147,200).

Like the others, he was invited to send videos and bad photos to union members. He was also asked to promise to return the money on time.

The police found dozens of videos stored on the cerebral cell phone of this union.

Look also at The Story of Amir, Credit Fighters BIS at the border:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]
Phenomenon in China: Submit your nudity photos and videos with credit guarantee

(kil / zlf)

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