Requested 9 months of rehabilitation, Fachri Albar asks 6 months


JAKARTA, – The defendant Fachri Albar appeals the sentence to the college of judges during the nine months of rehabilitation by the prosecutor.

Fachri forwarded this document by a note of defense (pledoi) "Convicted defendant Fachri Albar for 6 months imprisonment was reduced while the defendant was in detention, provided that the defendant did not" did not have to serve the rest of the sentence, but The defendant underwent a rehab at RSKO Cibubur (East Jakarta), "said Sandy Arifin, Fachri's lawyer in the pledoi readings.

In addition, Sandy asked the judges to declare the defendant Fachri Clbad I addict for himself and only a psychotropic user.

In addition, Fachri also declared entangled Article 127 paragraph 1 point a IR Law number 35 of 2009 on narcotics (abuse) and violated Article 60, paragraph 5 of Law No 35 of 1997 on psychotropic drugs

. On the pleadi of the Fachri advisory team, Chief Justice Asiadi Sembiring immediately requested the prosecutor's response. Lawyer Nasruddin immediately responded verbally to pledoi

"We responded verbally, and we stay on previous charges," said Nasruddin

to the prosecutor's response, Asiadi was then tried and asked 2018.

During the trial of the previous charges, Fachri was charged with 9 months of rehabilitation by the prosecutor. Fachri was arrested on February 14, 2018 at 7:00 pm at his home in Serenia Hills, Cirendeu, East Ciputat, South Tangerang.

Police obtained a pack of 0.82 grams of marijuana tongs, a pack of 0.32 grams of methamphette, 1 calmlet, 13 dumolid, and sabu sabu

See also: Judge Chair in mourning, Fachri Albar Assembly pending

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