Researchers reveal the existence of methane on Mars, is it possible for human life?


Planet Mars. (Wikipedia / NASA) – For the first time, researchers have dared to confirm the presence of methane on the planet Mars. The existence of this methane indicates the possibility of being able to place human life on the planet Mars.

In fact, methane gas was discovered for the first time by the Curiosity exploration robot in 2013. But at that time, researchers could make no scientific statement.

But now, a researcher named Marco Giuranna of the Institute of Space Astronomy and Space Planetology in Rome, Italy, said in his report that the Curiosity robot had detected a surge of methane with a methane content 5.78 parts per billion (parts per billion). / ppb).

In addition, Giuranna also reinforced his argument by using an instrument of the Mars Express orbiter, which recorded an increase in methane content in the atmosphere reaching 15.5 ppb, a day after the discovery of the first methane gas.

& # 39; & # 39;Although previous observations, including Curiosity, have been debated, the first independent confirmation of this increase in methane increases confidence in the detection of life,& # 39; & # 39; Thus, extracts from the report reported by Space, Thursday (04/04/2019).

Illustration of Mars exploration. (NASA)
Illustration of Mars exploration. (NASA)

With Giuranna's report, conspiracy theories about the existence of life on Mars have become stronger.

Giuranna revealed that the presence of methane in a region indicates a place where living things can live.

Methane gas is not only produced from microbes, but can also emerge from a process called serpentinization that involves the reaction of mixtures of olivine nuclei with kabon dioxide and chlorine. 39; water.

Methane on Earth is also produced from these two processes. Guiranna therefore thinks that Mars can also be a habitat for humans.

According to the researcher, methane can be used as a source of carbon and energy.

In addition, humans can also use methane buried beneath the surface of Mars to make rocket fuel to help them migrate.

Can humans use methane to live on Mars later? ( Tivan Rahmat)

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