[RESENSI FILM] Love Pablo, The love story of Pablo Escobar with a beautiful reporter


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Couples Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz take up the collaboration on the big screen for the movie Loving Pablo, due out in July 2018.

Loving Pablo is a new adaptation by Virginia Vallejo. The story is taken from the journalist's real life during an affair with the famous Colombian drug baron, Pablo Escobar.

Virginia Vallejo (Penelope Cruz) met Pablo Escobar (Javier Bardem) at a party in the early 80's. From the beginning, Pablo was interested in the beauty and courage of Virginia. Pablo tried to approach Virginia and invited her to take part in various activities.

Virginia obeyed Pablo's wishes. The feeling of fear grew in his heart when he saw Pablo's great vision and firmness for Colombia. Gradually, Pablo and Virginia fall in love with each other.

The love story of Pablo and Virginia is not going smoothly. The reason, Pablo already has a woman named Victoria (Julieth Restrepo). The rapid development of the drug business as well as Pablo's political career also threatens Virginia's life. The problem grew when an agent named Shepard (Peter Sarsgaard) tried to capture Pablo.

The love of Pablo flows gently as the biography of Pablo Escobar. The director and writer Fernando Leon de Aranoa is able to present the story of the life of the lord of the drug easily followed. This is added to the convincing appearance of Javier Bardem as the main character.

Fernando Leon de Aranoa also managed to portray the life of Colombia in the 80s. The hotel decor and colorful glamorous outfits make you feel like a top clbad during these times.

The portrait contrasts with the slums and brutal lives of the disadvantaged Colombian people shown in parts of the film. The bilateral representation of Colombia can in fact be explored further with a mature montage.

Dear, Loving Pablo just failed to become a film of love. Virginia characters are not present strongly. It is difficult to have sympathy for his life and his love affair with Pablo. It is somewhat disturbing that Virginia is the main narrator of the film


Author Andira Princess

edited by Suyanto Soemohardjo

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