Residents of Mojokerto maintain 30 Arapaima fish tails at home


SURABAYA, – Investigator of Quarantine and Quality Control Center Surabaya J & I examined nine people considered responsible for the distribution of Arapaima Gigas fish in the Brantas River for a week.

"Residents of Canggu village still keep 30 Arapaima fish in their homes," said Surabaya I Quarantine and Quality Control Center chief Muhlin in Canggu village, Mojokerto district. Monday (07/02/2018)

But Muhlin said that 30 predatory fish are now in their possession because they were voluntarily handed over by their owners.

See also: Minister Susi Warning Predator Fish Owners

"The owner has signed the delivery of the fish to us and is now in our possession," he explained.

The man named G, known d is a fish collector who keeps the fish Arapaima Gigas, since the fish is still small. The fish are kept around the house.

The problem of the motive for spreading fish known as the monster fish stream of the Brantas River, is deepening and collecting materials and information.

The Institute of Conservation of Wetlands (Ecoton) noted from June 25 to July 2, 2018, 14 fish Arapaima Gigas were captured by the people

Read also: KKP Open Arapaima Gigas Fishing Station in Surabaya

Three of them were consumed by the people. Finally, residents are catching predatory fish in the warrior Kulon Mojokerto River area, Monday (07/02/2018) this morning.

Arapaima Gigas, fish whose original population in the Amazon River, Brazil, will damage the fish population in the Brantas River due to its predatory and invasive nature

As the Brantas River drains by environmental groups is designed as a fish sanctuary area.

Kompas TV Arapaima belongs to the category of predatory water fish (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f. fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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