Revealed, there are dozens of Docks in Lake Toba – VIVA


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– To avoid the sinking of the Sinar Bangun Motor Vessel, the North Sumatra Regional Police gathers all the regulators, the provincial and district transport agency, the Lake Toba shipbuilders to several police chiefs of North Sumatra Police

"Before the pilkada yesterday, we organized a meeting initiated by the father of the North Sumatra police chief, invited all stakeholders at the provincial level, the meeting was for the next step to prevent similar cases from happening again ". Kombes Pol. Andi Rian Djajad told reporters at the North Sumatra police headquarters, Friday, June 29, 2018.

Andi explained, the purpose of the meeting to declare a joint commitment to ensure the function and supervision of all boats to engine in Lake Toba. This is, referring to the incident of KM Sinar Bangun

"As it often happens, the finishes are like the last wind, there must be an improvement, not just the back of the office issuing permits, not not seeing ground conditions "Andi.

Andi revealed, this meeting also to provide advice on how the right shipping system. "In addition to our Navy counterparts, we invite the province's Transportation Department and seven Lake Toba districts, including Kapolres and ship operators, to focus on travel safety, such as lifejackets. "said the three jasmine officers.

According to him, at the meeting, it was revealed that in Lake Toba has 34 docks.The majority would not have benefited from maximum supervision of the share of the related parties during the transport activities

Meanwhile, for the number of vessels operating, there is no data to date.Because the boat is managed by the community. ] "It seems that, excuses, some of their operators are not affected by the regulators, so we are both introspection, so this dead fish is not fish, but humans, we must pay attention" , said Andi, 19659006] In the case of KM Sinar Bangun, the police in North Sumatra detain five people as suspects The five suspects are the head of the transport department Samosir Nurdin Siahaan, captain of the motor ship Sinar Bangun, Poltak Soritua Sagala

Then, chief Simanindo port, Samosir regency, Golpa F Putra and chief of Samosir river and lake waters, Rihad Sitanggang and members of Simanindo kapos port, Karnilan Sitanggang.

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