Ridwan Kamil helps rehiring fired teachers


Bekasi (ANTARA News) – Ridwan Kamil, candidate for governorship of West Java, said he is ready to help Jatiasih Kota Bekasi citizen Rabiatul Adawiyah get his new job after being released from his post Teacher in 2018.

I wholeheartedly help to find mother work in place comfortable mother was born inward, "as written in the personal account Instagran Ridwan Kamil @riwankamil, Friday.

In his post, the number 1 pair in the Pilgub Jabar expressed his gratitude to Teachers who teach since 2015 at Darul Maza Bekasi Elementary School (SDIT), Jatisari Sub-District, Jatiasih Sub-District.

Rabiatul taught elementary school freshmen for two years and three years for one year. "I thank you for your conscience and my mother's fingers chose me yesterday," he said again.

Ridwan said that he was not expecting Rabiatul's decision to vote for him resulted in the dismissal sanction by the school.

"Unexpectedly, the mothers were fired by the school where the mother taught only via Whatsapp (WA), just because of the difference in the direction of the school". 19659002] Ridwan asks the teacher to be patient and accept it as a test of life.

The man who is happily accosted Emil also appreciates the greatness of Rabiatul who forgave the school for the incident.

forgive those who have violated maternal rights. It is the morality of the mother that we will always define as examples and examples. "The story of Rabiatul's resignation from SDIT Darul Maza Bekasi had already been viral in social media after her husband's dismissal by Facebook.

The dismissal of the teacher was only due to different options in the elections Serentak 2018 namely the governor of election-deputy governor of West Java and deputy mayor-mayor of Bekasi.

In her post, husband Rabiatul, Andriyanto mentions if his wife went out of the direction of the foundation to choose the pair Sudrajat-Ahmad Syaikhu for Pilgub Java West and Nur Supriyanto-Adhy Firdaus Saady for Piwalkot Bekasi

Rabiatul in Pilkada Serentak 2018 channeled his political rights by choosing Ridwan Kamil-uu Ruzhanul Ulum for Pilgub West Java. [19659002] While he was in Piwalkot Bekasi entrusted to the couple Rahmat Effendi Tri Adhianto Tjahyono.

Andi Firdaus
Publisher: Ruslan Burhani

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