Ridwan Kamil promises delicious works to the Foundation for the Demobilization of Victims in Bekasi


WALI KOTA Bandung Ridwan Kamil responds to the dismissal of a teacher in the city of Bekasi who runs for elections in West Java 2018.

Ridwan, who quickly won the West Java election as candidate for the governorship, promised to work.

In addition, Emil – saluting Ridwan Kamil – will also make Rabiatul Adawiyah a teacher who has good character and should be imitated by others.

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The statement of Ridwan Kamil was delivered by instagramnya account, Friday (29/06/2018), after a scene in the foundation in Bekasi that sent Rabiatul back as a teacher only because of the different options with the foundation.

Rabiatul then forgave the school for the problem (19659002) Such is the status of Ridwan Kamil in relation to the case Rabiatul

@ridwankamil: Mother Rabiatul Adawiyah, citizens of Jati Asih Bekasi, thank you for your conscience and my mother's fingers chose me yesterday.

Unexpectedly, the consequence is that mothers are sent back to school where the mother only taught via WA, just because the difference between school and the school breaks up. Sabaaar was drinking. In every trial of life, there is always the help of God.

In every difficulty, there is always ease. Mothers are also good people to forgive those who violate the birthright of mothers.

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