Rio Reifan: In prison only I am strong, all the stronger


JAKARTA, – Must face the harbadment of Henny Mona's future wife, not destabilize the belief of the artist Rio Reifan to get married.

Met at Jatinegara Baru Housing, East Jakarta, Thursday (28/06/2018), Rio confessed that the prison had made him strong. He was arrested before because of narcotics

"In prison aja I am strong, this period ngadepin (bought by a potential woman) he baseball," said the serial Tailor Naik Haji .

One of the pillars of Rio when Henny starts bawel aka nag is to be indifferent. In fact, he considers the bawelnya as the idol of the heart as reading poetry.

"Just think of it in poetry, just listen to it."

Read also: Rio Reifan twice trapped drugs, Henny Moana remains anxious

Previously, Rio proposed Henny Mona after his release from jail on the second day of Lebaran or June 16, 2018. Currently, Rio and Henny prepare for marriage.

Rio gets a five-month remission after being detained for nearly 10 months at the Bulak Ship Correction Institution, Bekasi, West Java.

There are 2017

Read also: Rio Reifan Edit Henny Mona for Contrast Melt

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