Rio Reifan makes his wife princess wife


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Few people know, Rio Reifan is turning into a romantic male category. This is expressed by his future wife, Henny Mona.

"He looks cool, yes, really romantic loh ," said Henny on the sidelines of a wedding at Jatinegara Baru Housing, East Jakarta, Thursday (28/6 ) /2018).

Women who work as entrepreneurs who call Rio have a cooking hobby. Sometimes, visiting her house, Rio often cooks for Henny

"Not all men can cook, I'm like princess aja deh made with Rio," Henny said with a smile. When asked what he had used to do for his future wife, Rio responded to the fried noodle.

"Mie goreng he he," said soap opera director Naik Haji also smiling

. Mona was released from prison on the second day or June 16, 2018.

Currently, Rio and Henny are preparing for marriage. Rio received a five-month remission after being detained for nearly ten months at the Bulak Correctional Facility, Bekasi, West Java.

He was trapped twice in narcotics cases in 2015 and 2017. (*) [19659002] This news was broadcast on under the title "Cooking Mie Goreng, Rio Reifan Romantic Spelt"

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