Rivally Strictly, Rossi called Dovizioso "not smart"


ASSEN, KOMPAS.com – In addition to the history of Marc Marquez's victory at the Dutch GP Sunday (1/7/2018), the draw is an intense competition between Valentino Rossi and Andrea Dovizioso of Ducati.

Tight battles occur in the first turn of the last turn, which makes them both wider. But the advantage is on the Dovizioso who is still on the track, while Rossi has finally widened the track.

Rossi commented later, because of the incident, he had to lose the podium at Assen this time. The Italian runner mentioned that Dovizioso's step was not smart at the time.

"I'm sad because I think I can reach the podium but only in fifth position.At the race, I continued to be in the front row." I try to attack, the last two laps in a good position and I have the potential to get on the podium, "said Rossi of Motorsport.com sunday (1/7/2018).

See also: Marquez Champion in the Dutch GP

[194590]] The moment Rossi was enlarged. "/> CRASH.net The moment when Rossi was enlarged.

Dovizioso tried to overtake me at the first corner, in fact my braking is very good, but unfortunately it happened too fast and I had to get off the track … it was overtaking aggressive but we have seen a lot today, "Rossi said. [19659002] Rossi called Dovizioso what Dovizioso did instead of a smart move.The reason, said the Italian driver, Dovizioso and he could finish the second and third races, but because of the incident , must come out of the top three. "19659002" Because of this incident, we lost a lot, we came in fourth and fifth. It's a pity, but it's like that, "said Rossi [19659009] <! – ->
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