Rizky killed the cursed cobra not buried, 5 more days to live


Solopos.com, PALANGKARAYA – Body of God Rizky Achmad, 19 years old, inhabitant of Lake Rangas, village of Bukit Tunggal, Jekanraya sub-district, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, killed by a king cobra king peliharannya Monday (07/09/2018) until Wednesday (09/11/2018) has not been buried.

The family believes that Rizky is dead and will live again on the 7th day or July 16th, 2018. Whereas the RSUD team doctor Doris Sylvanus Palangka Raya said: July 9, 2018 at 8:30 am WIB.

Ripy and King Cobra Snake Who Bitten Him (facebook)

Rizky's body is still placed in front of the house with a closed net. "The family thinks that on July 7, Rizky will rise, it has become the family's belief on the advice of the ancient natives," said the native of Palangkaraya, Manho, Wednesday (19459009). 19659002] According to Manho, currently the venom of the cobra king snake is still sterilized after the snake has still bitten Rizki during the traditional rituals that took place on Tuesday (10/7/2018).

"Although the medical is dead, but the elders and the family still believes Rizki will increase.Hope on July 16," he said.

Since Monday, July 9, 2018 at 8:30 pm, Rizky has been declared dead on the basis of death signs, with bed monitor, heart rate recordings and respiratory rate. "The third day after being declared dead, not yet buried, Rizky is still exposed outside, with a mosquito net," said Ade Sata, a resident of Palangkaraya who follows the development of Rizky with hundreds of other residents.

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