Robot BPPT Engaged Sinar Bangun KM Rope in Toba Base Lake


TEMPO.CO Bandung – The remote-controlled robot owned by the Agency for the Evaluation and Application of Technology (TPRB) encountered obstacles after successfully identifying the corpse of KM Sinar Bangun at the base of Lake Toba, north of Sumatra.

Read: KM Sinar Bangun found, this chronology of mobilization of BPPT robot

The robot is now immersed because it can not be raised to the surface because of the twisted rope at point of immersion of the ship. "The team is still trying to loosen the ropes," said Henky Suharto, director of PT Mahakarya Geo Survey, Friday, June 29, 2018.

Henky has co-organized several agencies in research missions, such as BPPT, National Agency Search and Rescue (Basarnas) National Air Force Army of the Indonesian Army (TNI AU) and Ministry of Coordination of the Ministry of the Interior.

According to Henky, the ROV used the clbad type for observation. Weighing 1500 kilograms, he was able to dive to a depth of one thousand meters. "This type of ROV tool is commonly used for surveying under water," he said. Its main task is to provide underwater imagery with a depth that is difficult to reach the diver.

ROV Sea Eye Falcon, said Henky, man manufacturer in the UK. The size and shape are like a generator machine. Pilot control on the water or on board with a cable connection of 1,200 meters

In the water, the ROV can be directed to capture images of objects in the form of water. video and photo images with lighting lamps. In case of hanging, the tool is temporarily extinguished while waiting for the evacuation plan.

"The risk of the device in these circumstances could cause a rupture of the umbilical cable at the bottom of the lake," Henky said. The solution, the position of the ship must be maintained in order to maintain optimal tension with ROV umbilical . "It should not become too tense, which could cause the dissolution of the umbilical and the disappearance of the ROV."

Last Thursday, the mixed team of Basarnas received visualizations of several bodies, motorcycles and others. Some of them are in a semi-latent position of mud material. KM Sinar Bangun, said Henky, was not clearly visible on this dive mission.

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