Robot ROV Ship Ship Ship and Survivor Sinked Twisted Ship Rope at the base of Lake Toba


Report of the Tribune Medan journalist, Arjuna Bakkara

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, TIGARAS – Basarnas will bring more sophisticated remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipment to evacuate KM Sinar Bangun in the waters of Lake Toba

a ROV submarine robot owned by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) is having trouble recording the corpse condition of the victim KM Sinar Bangun at Lake Toba background

and lamtalmal I Belawan Ali Triswanto, Medan Tribun Justify to this day the ROV is wrapped around the ropes of the ship at the bottom of the lake

Therefore, the Navy participated and tried to help Basarnas release the coil

"Yeah, we will also join the rope." Anchored anchors may be crooked in the ROV, "said Ali at the Port of Three Races on Saturday (30/6 / 2018).

In connection with the latest visuals, Ali says still relevant previously saved. The corpses are always in permanent position.

To facilitate the evacuation of ROV bodies, they will be imported from Surabaya. It is expected to arrive today using a hercules plane.

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In connection with the size, the tool is much larger than the previous ROV. For the whole, the equipment is as much as three containers

"The new tool will be so far, God willing, it is underway, so the ferry will carry this container, the size is enough large to total the total of three containers Added Ali

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