Roby Geisha's divorce session – The Queen's love, always driven by the dumpling issues

[ad_1], Jakarta The question of alleged dumplings, is still spoken in the chaotic household Roby Geisha and Loves the Queen . Both are currently undergoing a divorce lawsuit in the South Jakarta Religious Court. The agenda of the trial that took place on Monday (7/2/2018) has come to an end. Roby's party is wearing a black cloth with the Arabic inscription Roby says is a pellet for her of Queen's Love

"We are asked to continue checking, so we brought mystical things, yes they have an answer, so the conclusions of them are not yet.The next week the conclusion of them, "said Previany Annisa Rellina, Roby's lawyer at his meeting at the South Jakarta religious court, Monday (2/7/2018). The party of Roby Geisha and Queen's Love (Nurwahyunan /

Roby's party was forced to carry the mystical smell, because the Queen's Love Party denies the practice of pellets in his love story with Roby. Geisha. Even the side of the queen boasts, if the pellet is just a Roby Geisha boast

"They are normal, maybe they think we do not hold anything at all (evidence is considered dumplings) but apparently there is no baseball to show "Yes, we just show that," he said.

Of course, the part of Love denied it. Although there is evidence, but the Queen Love Party felt that the evidence was not strong to prove the existence of pellets in the history of his house.

There is the question of pellets in the divorce of Roby Geisha and the Queen's Love

"If we had seen the evidence, yes, the black fabric, there is Arabic writing, but the evidence is a proof, not necessarily sure.when the testimony of the witnesses also they can not prove that it is a form of granules or witch res, "Immanuel Nuance cover, lawyer & # 39; Love in a separate place.

Household Roby Geisha and Love Queen Nansya began construction on October 28, 2015. But apparently, the mahligai household could no longer survive. Now their household is in the middle of the horn. (Sahal Fadhli / )

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