Roro Fitria: Friends in prison


JAKARTA, – Roro Fitria celebrities have confessed that his friends in jail in Pondok Bambu jails (detention center), East Jakarta, are doing well

"Alhamdulillah in prison is being carried The sense of kinship is also thick, it can be sustained "said Roro in the South Jakarta District Court, Ampera Raya, Thursday (28/6/2018).

Roro hopes that the trial took place on the first day (19659002) He submitted his case to his team of legal advisers headed by Dharma Praja Pratama

"For questions about the law, I submitted everything to my lawyer", a declared Roro.

Read also: Drug cases, Roro Fitria Article indicted

Today, Roro had a preliminary hearing with the agenda of the

In the indictment, Roro is accused of an article. 39 Article is Article 112 (1) of Law No. 35 Narcotics (Storage, Possession, Possession), Section 127, Paragraph 1 (a) of Law No. 35 2009 on Narcotic Drugs (misuse)

In addition, Article 132 of the IR Act number 35 2009 narcotics year (evil conspiracy).

Roro was arrested at his home in the Ragunan area, south of Jakarta, on Wednesday (14/2/2018). He was arrested while he was waiting for a sabu order from YK with the intermediary of a man with the initials WH

At that time, Roro ordered a 2 grams sabu with the price Rp 4 million and Rp 1 million for the courier service. he usually celebrates Valentine's Day with his fellow artists

Read also: Roro Fitria asks the exception on the indictment in the case of narcotics

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