Roro Fitria requests an exception on the indictment in the narcotics case


JAKARTA, – Celebrities from the world of entertainment Roro Fitria (28) have presented an excuse or objection to the indictment against him in the case alleged drug abuse

) "We are presenting glorious exceptions to the Judges Commission," Roro Dharma Praja Pratama's legal adviser to Chief Justice Achmad Guntur said.

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Dharma reveals the reason why the party Roro objected. He said that there was an evidence read in the indictment, not when the minutes of the hearing were made.

"At the time of our surrender we could not prove it, syringes we objected," said Dharma. 19659003] Subsequently, an exceptional trial will take place on July 5, 2018.

See also: Response to the Rebuttal of the Indictment, Roro Fitria confessing Deg-degan

In the indictment, Roro is accused of a layered article. The three articles are Article 112 (1) of the Narcotics Act No 35 of 2009 (Storage, Possession and Possession) and Article 127 (1) (a) of Law No 35 of 2009 on narcotics

. also imprisoned Article 132 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 Narcotics Year 2009.

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Roro was arrested at his home in Ragunan, South Jakarta

He was arrested while awaiting his order from YK with an intermediary of a man with the initials WH.

Roro ordered two grams of sabu for Rp 4 million and Rp 1 million for courier services. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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