Rossi, Marquez and Lorenzo suggest that there is no F1 on the Assen circuit


ASSEN, – Formula 1 is looking for a new circuit and since Max Verstappen has been able to talk a lot, his hometown, the Netherlands, has become the # 1 39, one of the targets. The three best MotoGP riders, Valentino Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo and Marc Marquez, meanwhile have dismissed the advice of F1 in the Netherlands

The GP of the Netherlands, since 1949, still takes place on the circuit of # 39; Assen. The circuit has never been absent every year Grand Prix . The F1 was held for the last time in the Netherlands on the Zandvoor circuit in 1985.

Rossi called the circuit of Assen, considered historic, just for racing. F1 can choose another circuit specially designed for the four-wheel Grand Prix

"I hope they will not do it. The first of them will be a Unusual track for F1, at the same time, it's better not to have F1 because we had fewer bumps.I think, in terms of history, only MotoGP run here, "said Rossi,, Thursday (28/06/2018).

Lorenzo agrees with Rossi on the mound on the track. If you still want an F1 race at Circuit Assen, Lorenzo mentions a lot of things that need to be changed. At present, the condition will be odd for F1 to be on a track that has no gravel or asphalt on the outer edge of the track.

Read also: 12 Facts of the Dutch GP, Ducati Ever Win Once

it would be very strange to see and I hope that F1 will not come here, "said Lorenzo.

Another of the two, Marquez reveals the reason for the speed.The one who just tested the F1 said that there are a lot of fast turns on the Assen circuit and maybe the F1 is taking a minute to encircle it and that it can be dangerous. "19659003" "The F1 will be very, very fast here." But hey if the F1 is interested in a circuit like Assen.Doing this bike means that we will have some bumps, but that's not a big problem, "Marquez said.

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