SACHSENRING, KOMPAS.com – Dani Pedrosa announced that he will not continue his racing career in MotoGP next year. After the end of his contract with Honda at the end of the season, Pedrosa decided to retire.
The Yamaha Movistar driver Valentino Rossi has revealed himself very surprised at Pedrosa's decision. He believes that Dani deserves a title after his efforts so far are almost champions.
"It's very sad, MotoGP has lost its best runner Dani has never won a MotoGP title and I think he deserves a title," Rossi said. the press in front of the German GP, quoted by Crash.net Friday (13/7/2018).
Regarding Pedrosa's decision not to run and not accept the proposal of Yamaha's satellite team that was rumored, (19459004]
"With respect to his choice, even though Is too early, it is certainly personal, I do not think (like that) .I hope it will continue the race as much as possible with the team The satellite of Yamaha is very unhappy in reality, "said Rossi.
Rossi misses Pedrosa is a tough rival and has a distinctive driving character.
" Dani is one of the race drivers he accelerates the soonest forward, I think it's a distinctive style, "said Rossi
Pedrosa and Rossi themselves often become rivals on the racetrack We remember the Aragon series of 2017 where the two runners are in a row after dangerous maneuvers.] <! – ->
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