Rossi Prediction Marquez The fastest in GP Netherlands 2018


ASSEN, – The eighth series of MotoGP races will be held in Assen, the Netherlands, this weekend, it's about his new Valentino Rossi. Last year, he managed to become his champion.

On the first day of free practice (FP), Rossi only managed to become the third fastest on FP1 and fourth in FP2.

Dutch GP, the Doctor is optimistic to appear competitive. But in another statement, Rossi predicts that his rival, Marc Marquez, will be the fastest on the track.

"It seems that the fastest driver is Marquez, then Vinales and then Dovizioso and I. I do not know who is the strongest besides me and Dovi," said Rossi of Friday (30/6/2018).

See also: Valentino Rossi Optimistic Achieve Good results at Assen

  Marc Marquez should have a good performance at the Dutch GP Marc Marquez should have a good performance at the GP of Holland

"But it's just the day First and foremost, what matters is what happens on Sunday, I hope we can to be as competitive as in the last races, and that we may have trouble becoming one of the best drivers, "Rossi said. "I feel comfortable in the FP2, for this reason I continue to use the same tires because we have to train for the sessions." Marquez

"Then we tried to focus on the distance from the race and then the second day it was time for us to place a new tire, "Marquez said.

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