ROV robot used by SAR research team Victims of KM Sinar Bangun


Focus, Simalungun – Team Basarnas, Wednesday morning started using tools remote controlled submarine vehicle (ROV), which was only during the night to find the presence of KM Sinar Bangun in the waters of Lake Toba.

As shown Focus IndosiarOn Thursday (28/06/2018), the agents also use trawls to facilitate research. The team raked in the suspected place as the point where the ship sank, using both tools.

ROV is a robot that works to take pictures in the water, and is moved using a remote control. But agents have difficulties when they want to lower the trawl.

Pemkab Simalungun hope, the search process with this new tool can produce results. Because the families of the victims hope that their families will be found soon.

"My hope is for the families of the victims, please be patient, firm, and pray.The government is very serious, I represent the central and provincial government of North Sumatra, almost every day here to monitor , follow all the activities here.Basarnas completely, "said Regent Simalungun JR Saragih.

Until Wednesday afternoon, the search process lasted 10 days. But Tim Basarnas did not find any of the 164 missing victims. (Bayu Wibowo)

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