ROV which has a reduced robotic arm


Report of the Tribune Medan reporter / Arjuna Bakkara

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, MEDAN – Basarnas brings more advanced Remote Vehicle Tools (ROV) after submarine robot ROV belongs to Badan Penkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi ( BPPT) Obstacles during the registration of the state of the pbadenger body KM Sinar Bangun at the bottom of Lake Toba

And Lamtalmal I Belawan, Laksma Ali Triswanto at Tribun Warrant up to now rolled ROV around the ropes at the bottom of the lake

Help Basarnas to release the reel

"Yeah, that's right … We join and try to release the rope.The way anchored anchors can get Wrap around the ROV, "said Ali at the Port of Three Races Saturday (30/06/2010)

The last visual relationship, Ali said is still in keeping with the previously recorded.

The remains are always in permanent position.

To help evacuate ROV bodies will come from Surabaya. 19659003] Expected to arrive today by plane hercules.

In relation to the size, the tool is much larger than the previous ROV. For the whole, the equipment is up to three containers.

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