Ruben Onsu: During Ayu Ting Ting no clarification, Haters will continue there


JAKARTA, – Ruben Onsu's presenter can not help with enemies or enemies who continues to blaspheme his best friend, Ayu Ting Ting.

According to him, they will continue to exist as long as Ayu will continue to vote silently and will not clarify emerging issues.

"I am also confused, I already say it personally, in the same way that I do not understand what they want," said Ruben in an interview at Studio TransTV, Mampang, South Jakarta, Wednesday (27/6 / 2018).

"For me as long as Ayu does not clarify, answer wisely, yes I think will continue (he enemies) ", he added.

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However, according to Ruben, Ayu decided to always remain silent whenever negative rumors circulated about him.

His friend was too busy and did not want to spend time just to answer enemies. As a result, enemies are more and more free to guess.

"Because it's best to keep quiet, but it should be clarified and answered if I do not want to answer their questions, just answer wisely, if it's really disturbing," Ruben said. .

"But Ayu's activities are a myriad, so Ayu takes the attitude that there is more priority and that's true," he added.

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