RupiahPlus's Excuse: How debt debt debt collector does not fit SOP


The method of debt collection through the RupiahPlus money loan service application is under discussion. How to collect this debt is "scary". If the borrower is late in repaying the money, debt collector RupiahPlus will contact friends, family and anyone on the contact list of the borrower . The debt collector asks the person contacted to send a message to the borrower to pay the debt

This can be done because the application RupiahPlus asks for the # 39 access to contact list data on the borrower's phone. In fact, the access permit can also read SMS and send SMS to the entire list of contacts on the mobile phone of the borrower.

These data are of course provided by RupiahPlus to the service companies collecting debt which have been designated to collect the debt of their customers. Unfortunately, this method of debt collection is rude and even tends to threaten, unpleasant and contact people who have no connection with customers.

This treatment became viral in social media after a number of residents reported being contacted (19659002) RupiahPlus finally released "official apology to a disadvantaged society."

In a statement to the media, RupiahPlus' director, Bimo Adhiprabowo, expressed deep regret for the debt recovery actions threatening, intimidating, harbading and charging to a third party who has no connection with the customer.

He added that the controversial method of debt collection was inconsistent with his company's [SOP] standard operating procedure .

"The debt collection actions in question are in no way part of the official invoicing of RupiahPlus Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and therefore we do not warrant such actions", said Bimo in a press release received reel Sunday (1/7).

Bimo also explained that RupiahPlus cooperated with a third party to collect debts from his clients. Based on an internal investigation, some RupiahPlus collectors acted outside established SOPs.

"With regard to the collectors who have committed such violations, the RupiahPlus has strictly enforced in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations," he added.

Bimo ensures that the controversial collection of debts will not happen again. RupiahPlus has also coordinated with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to report offensive actions and address issues that make clients and communities feel at a disadvantage.

Conscientious Before Borrowing

Regardless of the controversial collection of debts by RupiahPlus. It is better that the public be more rigorous in providing loans for the application of loan services.

Please note that the application or the lender [pair-à-pair] requires access to the same data as RupiahPlus. These apps need to be "brainstorming" to reduce the risk of impaired loans, and the way they do it is to give high interest and take a list of contacts on their borrower's cell phone. If the borrower is difficult to contact, he will contact the person whose number is registered in the contact list

Alfons Tanujaya, cybersecurity expert of the company Vaksincom, explains that an application will usually ask for permission if she wants to access the data. Here, it takes a user control to check which data will be accessible by the related applications

If the user does not approve the access request to data, some applications still allow users to continue using the application. However, some applications do not allow users to use the application if permissions to access private data are not provided. This is also what RupiahPlus does in Indonesia

"If they do not grant the right of access, then the loan will not be granted. Exchange like that, "he continues.

Always be vigilant before installing an application and note the "Permission" section listed at the bottom of the application's installation page on the Play Store

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