BANDA ACEH, KOMPAS.com – Clbad II Penitentiary Institution (LP) A Banda Aceh in the Lambaro region, Aceh Besar, riot that caused the escape of hundreds of prisoners and prisoners.
Report of Antarariots in Banda Aceh, clbad II A record in Lambaro, Aceh Besar, took place on Thursday (29/11/2018) around 19 hours.
"In total, 113 detainees and detainees have reportedly fled.They are currently looking for the police.The police still monitor this prison," said a prison official.
Update: Four detainees escaped from Banda Aceh prison arrested, 109 still on the run
The riots caused a number of broken windows. More than a hundred residents of the prison would have escaped through the main door.
Not yet known the cause of the riot in clbad IIA LP Banda Aceh.
More serious riots also occurred in Banda Aceh's Clbad IIA LP in early 2018. Hundreds of prisoners burned the prison office building.
According to the information gathered, the prison has about 500 detainees and detainees. Until this news was announced, there was no official statement from the related parties.
This news was broadcast on Antaranews.com under the title: "Banda Aceh Rampant LP".
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