Said the citizen complains about the SMPN online PPDB challenge in South Tangerang


TEMPO.CO South Tangerang – The new schooling rate in South Tangerang is already normal, but there are still obstacles

"I managed to m & # 39; register today and I can not list them anymore, after I finish registering, I print but the number of resident parents (NIK) has not come out, "Nanang says Prijono a (19459002) Read: Uniform value of the PPDB in Bogor, Ministry of Education called the results of pure students

According to Nanang after the website ppdb .dikbudtangsel. com can be accessed, he immediately registers his son, when he is not printed NIK he rushed to junior 11 to report the problem

"I see on the site, if you have any problems for come to the post in SMP 11, setel Nanang laments with the PPDB set up the education and culture office of the city of South Tangerang, he considers that the office of education is not ready to implement the PPDB. "If such an official is not ready to implement, the PPDB was stopped because there is a problem," said the director of the PPDB. 39, education and culture of the city of Tangerang.

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"It takes time, so parents of students be patient, that is the whole system of treatment, if there is a complaint in high school According to Taryono, the program Both the application and the server had a problem, which made it difficult to access the PPDB website for parents who want to enroll their children from July 4th to 7th.

There are parents who printed but NIK his child or his value do not enter while the smaller entry please be patient.Because all that is the process selection, everything works so the command at the post let me in the post can be twisted name and NIK when USBN ", said Taryono linked chaotic PPDB online it.

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