Salami 1000 Yogya residents in Jakarta, Princess Sri Sultan Confess Pegal Pipi


RAKYATKU.COM – Residents of Yogyakarta held halalbihalal in Jakarta, Sunday (1/7/2018). The event that was attended by a thousand citizens took place in Gedung Panca Gatra Dwiwarna Purwa Lembahan RI, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta

Yogyakarta's special governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X was present with his wife, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas

Photos and videos of the event were uploaded by the fourth daughter of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X-Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (GKR) Hemas, GKR Hayu on his Twitter account

"We in as long as Jogja hold firm to the teachings of the ancestors.Picture, the law, the manunggaling of Gusti's subjects and the hamemayu hayuning bawono, "betray him as a video showing representatives of the Yogyakarta scientific and cultural forum living in Jabodetabek.

The event was attended by representatives of the Gunungkidul Sukirman community members with 525 members. Do not miss the representatives of the regents and mayors.

GKR Hayu is happy about the occasion, but quite tiring. "The count who comes to the thousands, until the cheek plays and the heels scratch the high heels.Thank you for all the sampun rawuh.As Ngarsa Dalem, that the power of the people of Jogja is in solidarity", he wrote.

Journalists following his confession banned "plebeian". He arrived when he made a trip to Plaza Senayan

"Crossing Plaza Senayan in Senayan City, said" Makasih Pak "to every security guard who crossed the street, while the band in the back, murmured Ngatain kampungan, "Hayu cooked in the Twitter account

" It's called Manners my fren, have you been raised by wolves? " He continued. Cuitan Kraton's daughter has been retweeted up to 15 thousand times and gets over 500 comments.

Hayu says that the event is ultimately viral. He only thanked the security guard and it was usual to say the word.

"Just another cross on Plaza Senayan, the term in Javanese is a side-by-side coverage, there is a security guard at the taxi stand), (and) that at the junction, (there y a) 4 (security guards), yes just ngucapin thanks aja .. of the PS in the middle it's (incident spelled plebeian), yes I started to hear aja Yes yarin aja lah "says Hayu quoted from Detikcom.

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