Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Glide August


Image of the invitation of the new product launch Samsung – Samsung JAKARTA – Samsung finally gave a leak on the launch date of Galaxy Note 9 by posting a video of called Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2018 on its official website [19659003] The video featured only a golden yellow S Pen badociated with a short story.

"On August 9, Samsung will welcome new family members to the Galaxy's premium lineup," the narrative says.

No other information in the invitation. For more information Samsung has only said that the event can be viewed through live stream via a link www or [1945901]

Nevertheless we can conclude that the date is the time of launching of Galaxy Note 9 because S Pen is identical to the mobile phone of the Galaxy Note series and no other premium series will be launched because Galaxy S9 and S9 + were present earlier in the year.

As reported by Bloomberg the Galaxy Note 9 would have a shape that is similar to its predecessor, the Galaxy Note 8. However, with some improvements in some of its features such as the processor and the camera .

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