Samsung Galaxy X Cell Phone Screen


<img width = "696" height = "348" clbad = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = " Galaxy-X-696×348.jpg "srcset ="×348.jpg 696w, content / uploads / 2018/07 / Samsung-Galaxy-X-300×150.jpg 300w, 701w "sizes =" ( max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" Samsung Galaxy X "Samsung Galaxy X"
Samsung Galaxy X Copyright @Android Authority

Samsung Galaxy X Flat Panel Phone

Smeaker .com – Having introduced the full screen mode, a number of vendors are now ready to turn a foldable screen device into the market. Samsung is one of the Them, they are supposed to present Galaxy X .

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But until now there is still no detailed information on the mechanism Galaxy X However, according to sources, this phone will use OLED flexible display Unbroken

To understand the Galaxy X folding design, Android Authority page is to do this phone concept, its own making from the patent information and fled a number of parts, following the concept.

Samsung made [1945901] 9] Galaxy X can be folded into two types according to the needs of the user. Can be bent towards the front, or can also back up.

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This concept is based on the patent proposed by Samsung. The flexible OLED screen allows users to fold the phone into three parts.

This phone can only be folded once, about a quarter of the screen. Leaving a small screen that can be used as a small smartphone with full functionality.

Just like the previous concept, the difference is the area that has folded 1/3. The Galaxy X screen is unfolded towards the front and reduces the screen to display the camera application

Currently, Samsung is currently testing the model of the camera. foldable OLED display in South Korea to find the optimal solution for the design of the Galaxy X . According to testimonials, at the CES 2016 event, Samsung will introduce its folding phone.

This Samsung smart phone with foldable screen is not Galaxy X?

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