Samsung released a folding screen notebook next year

[ad_1], SOLO – Samsung is preparing a folding screen laptop that should be released next year. Samsung's representatives ensured that the latest electronics would become competitors to Lenovo's products, which allegedly collaborated with LG in the manufacture of folding-screen laptops.

In addition to laptops, Samsung is also preparing notebook with a large folding screen that uses the latest technology. "Samsung is developing a folding screen for laptops, and we are going to make folding-screen laptops that will surprise users," said Samsung's vice president of marketing, Min Cheol said. Ditigal Trends, Tuesday (23/10/2018).

Folding screen technology has become a dreadful discussion for some time. A number of technology companies are developing folding telescopic telecommunications devices that will drive the market next year.

Samsung is not the only one to prepare sailing devices. Previously, Lenovo was apparently preparing smartphone and folding the laptops to sail. In fact, a number of cell phone providers such as Xiaomi, Oppo, to Vivo, was also mentioned immediately released smartphone folding sail.

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