Samsung Select 3 Startup Indonesia competing in Asia-Pacific and Oceania

[ad_1], Jakarta – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has launched the Global Startup Acceleration Program (GSAP) in Indonesia. This program is a coaching for students as well as the age of workers who start startup less than two years old.

The coaching session of Samsung GSAP 2018 is held in Yogyakarta, from July 23 to 27, 2018 volunteer employee Samsung as a mentor and 23 teams start selected with 63 participants from Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Surakarta, Semarang and Yogyakarta. with the best development ideas will be selected to get advanced training online for six months and the opportunity to participate in competitions at the Asia Pacific and Oceania scale, compete with d & # 39; other countries such as India, Malaysia and South Africa. in line with the national digital movement of 1,000 launched by President Joko Widodo to make Indonesia the digital economic focal point in Asia.

"Samsung is present in Indonesia to encourage people, especially younger ones, to be more productive and able to do more with the help of innovation and technology, and we want to actively Supporting the government to move the nation forward In this context, we bring this program to Indonesia, "said JaeHoon Kwon, president of Samsung Electronics Indonesia in its official statement Sunday (29/7/2018).

The goal, continues JaeHoon, so that the business starts ] The digital in Indonesia can be more educated and motivated to develop its business with global perspectives and be able to face the challenges by studying the experience of experts

"The next hope is sure that their company can open more jobs, strengthen the country's economy and support the government mission by generating 1,000 Startup digital by 2020, "he explained.

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