Sandiaga, this is why the founding families of the UN provide their support


JAKARTA, – Vice-presidential candidate number 02, Sandiaga Uno appreciated the support of several members of the family of the founders of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

According to Sandiaga, they expressed their support for him and Prabowo Subianto because of the similarity of views in the economic field.

"What we caught, the founding family of the NU said that he supported because, according to them, the economy was the main foundation," said Sandiaga on the sidelines of the sport at the Bulungan Tennis Court, Jakarta, Friday (30.11.2018).

Sandiaga said that one of their concerns was to improve the quality of economic life of the lower middle clbad.

According to him, the founding family of NU was worried because he and Prabowo were focusing on increasing the number of jobs.

Read also: Meet Prabowo-Sandiaga, founding family of the NU expresses support

"Opening a job is one of their problems, after these families have prayed istikharah, discuss, study, study, finally make a choice, and we are very grateful," said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga also expressed gratitude for the attitude of the founding family members of the NU, who stressed that their support was not in the name of the UN organization, but rather personally.

Because NU is not a practical political organization.

"What was very encouraging, they said that the UN itself was a UN that returned to Khittah in 1926. The UN was primarily a group, not a practical policy," said Sandiaga.

"Thus, the family of dzurriyah (descendants) of the founders of NU said that they made this decision not on behalf of the UN, but on their own," he said.

Support of the descendants of the founders of the NU

Previously, serial number 02 Prabowo Subianto and vice-presidential candidate Sandiaga Uno met with members of the founding NU family at the Prabowo residence, Jalan Kertanegara, in South Jakarta on Wednesday (28/11 / 2018).

At the meeting, the founding family of the NU expressed support for the Prabowo-Sandiaga couple in the 2019 presidential election.

Read also: Hasto believes that the support of the founding family of NU will reflect on Prabowo

"The representatives of the descendants of the founders of the NU are here, exchanging ideas, supporting each other, understanding each other," said KH Irfan Yusuf or familiarly called Gus Irfan when he gave information after the meeting.

Gus Irfan is the grandson of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Hasyim Asyari.

Gus Irfan's father, KH Yusuf Hasyim, was one of the NU's characters and was the guardian of the Tebuireng Islamic Residential School in Jombang, in East Java.

Besides Gus Irfan, KH. Hasyim Karim or Gus Aying, KH. Fahmi Amrullah or Gus Fahmi and KH A. Baidhowi or Gus Dhowi. The three are the grandchildren of KH Hasyim Asyari.

There was also KH Hasib Wahab, son of one of the founders of NU KH Wahab Hasbulloh and Gus Billy, great-grandson of KH Bisri Syansuri.

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