Jakarta – The Commercial Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) fined Rs 2.8 billion a fine of Rp 2.8 billion in the capital of PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk (ROTI). This was due to the delay in the notification of the acquisition of PT Prima Top Boga shares.
In addition to these fines, the producer of Sari Roti has been engaged for a long time. Citing the company's official website, on Tuesday (27/11/2018), it was created as PT Nippon Indosari Corporation in 1995 and its first factory was located in Cikarang, West Java.
The company changed its name to PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo in 2003. To expand its business, the company eventually established a plant in Pasuruan in 2005 and Cikarang in 2008.
In order to develop the company, Sari Roti also proceeded in 2010 to an initial public call for savings on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) under the ROTI issuing code.
From 2011 to 2012, the company opened factories in Semarang, Medan and Cibitung. The expansion was also achieved by the creation of four new factories in Makbadar, Palembang, Puwakarta and Cikande.
The company's mission is to produce and distribute various products for all Indonesian consumers.
The 3 punishment items given by the president of the badembly are:
"The committee of the commission decided: one of them stated that it was proved that the reported part violated in a convincing way article 20 of the law no 5 of Year 99 Jo. Article 5 of Government Regulation Number 57 of 2010, "said Monday the chairman of the KPPU office in central Jakarta (11/26). 2018).
"Two, punishing the reported party pays a fine of 2.8 billion rupees to be deposited in the state treasury," he continued.
Third decision, the president of the badembly orders the party reported to report and transmit a copy of the proof of payment of the fine to the KPPU.
Look also at the maker Sari Roti sentenced to 2.8 million pesetas US & # 39;
(fig / fig)
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