Sayonara Asimo, Honda will be born a new robot


TOKYO – Although it was developed over the course of a decade, Honda announced that it had stopped the development of its humanoid robot, Asimo.

Asimo stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. Asimo has put 20 years in its development to become now, it is only at this moment that Honda's work is really studying how human beings walk and make robotic legs 13 times the experience.

He was born October 31, 2000 with the result of the Robotics R & D Honda program. Asimo debuted in 2005 just two years ago when it entered the United States

Honda continues to improve the capacity of Asimo, in its last renovation in 2011 Asimo equipped technology artificial intelligence that has an engine like humans. which is practical and useful for the development of transport technology.

"Honda continues to develop humanoid robots Robot R & D development team there." Said a Honda representative quoted TechCrunch (29/06/2018).
Honda has designed a new generation robot with the 3E Robotic Concept technology. The robot has the caustic properties of Asimo, and its superiority shows the various facial expressions in the surrounding human beings


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