SBMPTN 2018, ITB State University Most Competitive


JAKARTA, (PR) .- The Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) became the highest middle college of selection with state universities (SBMPTN) 2018. In the department of science, ITB earned 659.25 points, while humaniora up to 648.33 points.

ITB became the most competitive university above the University of Indonesia and Universitas Gadjah Mada (19659002) Meanwhile, Padjadjaran University became the most interested campus in the Soshum department, while Universitas Brawijaya Malang for the department of Saintek. The top five universities most interested, besides Unpad and Unbraw, namely the University of Hasanuddin (Unhas), the University of Education of Indonesia (UPI) and the University from Diponegoro (Undip)

"The entrance to ITB can be very tight 20-30 people.According to the chosen majors department.SMB (Business School Management) is increasing trend.Art also.But Engineering majors are the most competitive ones, "said ITB Rector, Kadarsah Suryadi, at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Jakarta, on Tuesday. July 2018.

On the way to SBMPTN 2018, ITB welcomed 1,584 new students. Kadarsah said, ITB will not open the way to independent selection. The reason, SNMPTN / SBMPTN path is considered more credible because the selection process is directly under the supervision of the central pantheon and Kemenristekdikti. "If there are students who do not re-enroll, we consider that it is scorched.The chair can not be filled by other students," he said.

165,831 successful SBMPTN 2018

A total of 165,831 new students graduate from SBMPTN 2018 and will take courses in 85 public universities. SNMPTN / SBMPTN Central Committee Chair Ravik Karsidi said the number is the result of the selection of 860,001 participants. Candidates complete the Written Examination Writing (UTBC) and Computerized Comprehension Examination (UTBK) nationally on May 8th and the Skills Examination on May 9th and 11th, 2018

"So, depending on the number of participants, the percentage of participants pbaded the 2018 SBMPTN by 19.28 percent and will be immediately enrolled or re-registered as a new student candidate at 85 PTNs," Ravik said.

He stated that the total number of non-Bidikmisi participants received is 122,558 participants, and participants have the potential to become recipients of Bidikmisi up to 43,273 participants. Then, depending on the type of examination followed, participants received 160,778 UTBK participants, participants received UTBK 5,053 participants.

"On behalf of the SNPMB PTN 2018 central committee we congratulate the participants who immediately received the call back to register immediately and the participants who are not accepted should not despair," he said.

Announcement Results of SBMPTN 2018 Link

The exact information on the determination of the results of the SBMPTN 2018 can be found online at To facilitate the obtaining of information by the participants, the announcement can also be viewed on the page // mirror // 12 PTN as follows: 1., 2 ., 3., 4., 5. http: //sbmptn.untan, 6.http: //, 7., 8., 9. http : //, 10 Http: //***

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