SBY-Prabowo is expected to meet next week


Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Prabowo Subianto – Bisnis JAKARTA – Meeting of the President of the Democratic Party Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the President General of Gerindra Gerindra Prabowo Subianto, due to take place on Tuesday (17 / (19659003) The secretary general of the Democratic Party, Hinca Panjaitan, said that the two men would be reorganized to meet next week

.and also Mr. Prabowo visited, Mr. Prabowo also give us information also go to the foreigner later come back from there to meet directly, "said Hinca during a meeting with the PARA trade union, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Friday (20/8/2018

"I hope that next week Pak Prabowo is dated July 24 in Kuningan and I hope that everything will be fine," he said.

The second meeting was scheduled to discuss na questions and presidential candidacy

"Presidents, pencapresan, national problems but more focused on pencapresan," Hinca also mentioned that the meeting will also discuss the appointment of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono as vice president of Prabowo in the next presidential election. "Of course, this conversation is one of the connections must be yes, it means that Mr Prabowo presidential candidate must be him"

"Since the democrats from the beginning, we have not been able to … We did not appoint the president but we prepared our executives to be candidates, "he said.

Hinca said the Democrats are not trying to become the number one in Indonesia. president, "he explained.

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