Democratic Party President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) acknowledged that his relationship with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was good. Even SBY admitted six months later to establish intensive communication with Jokowi.
SBY explained that his good relationship with Jokowi has been established since 2014. At that time, Jokowi had just been elected president. Jokowi then offered SBY for the Democratic Party to join a coalition of supporters in the government.
"I answered maybe not good father because in pilpres (2014) Democrats did not wear Mr. Jokowi maupung Prabowo.Pending the presidential convention but not successful then we" said Yudhoyono at the time of the meeting. a press conference at his residence, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Wednesday (25/7).
Later, the decision was made by Jokowi that he was not in the government. In 2015, SBY claimed to have met Jokowi at the Palace. At this time, SBY invited Jokowi to attend the event led by Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). At the meeting, Jokowi again proposed to the Democrats to join them
"My answer is always the same, then it goes on until friends remember that there are Peaceful cascades 411 and 212 Jokowi, after which we often meet the spirit, if it suits the democrat can wear it in 2019 in the hope that he is destined to be reelected and the democrat is at the We can contribute, and this continues until May 2 at the country palace and 2 at Bogor Palace.His good spirit, I know pak Jokowi really invites the Democrats coalition in the government If someone says SBY has PHP, not Mr. Jokowi really invites us in, "he said.
SBY admitted Jokowi to ensure that the coalition parties will accept if Democrats enter the coalition. At that time SBY was thinking about his relationship with Ketum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri who did not recover and at a distance. But because Jokowi who invites SBY does not pose a problem.
"But if Mr. Jokowi invites why not," he said. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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