Scientists discover new human ancestors, small feet


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A study of a number of scientists revealed a controversial framework that would come from a new ancient human species.

Read: He Jianku, controversial Chinese scientist, Chinese Frankenstein

Little Foot, a hominin who lived 3.67 million years ago, is a completely different species from anything that has been seen before, according to scientists, reported by the Daily Mail on December 7, 2018.

Four scientific articles, which have not yet been reviewed or published, claim that the skeleton of an elderly woman with a paralyzed left arm shows that she is not a known category.

It was also discovered that he had legs longer than his arms, a trait badociated with the evolution of modern man because he promotes bipedalism or walks on two legs.

Another study of the skeleton revealed that he had an exclusive herbal diet and that he was over 130 cm (4 feet) tall. The name proposed for this species is Australopithecus prometheus.

The skeleton was discovered for the first time in the 90s in South Africa and was clbadified as Australopithecus, a group of hominins belonging to the famous fossil "Lucy."

Dr. Ronald Clarke of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg claimed for two decades that the categorization was not true and that Little Feet did not belong to a known species.

He claimed that the discoveries were members of a new species, which he named A. Prometheus – the name of the Greek titan Prometheus who created humans from clay. Dr. Clarke is the principal author or corresponding editor of the four studies.

He told the New Scientist: "I spent 20 years recovering this skeleton, finding it in the rock in the darkness of the cave, finding it and cleaning it so we could get it. Identify in the cave, clean it up, rebuild it. "

The skeleton of the small leg was discovered for the first time in the Sterkfontein Cave, near Johannesburg, in 1994.

The nickname of this fossil, known officially as StW 573, was obtained when a scientist used the term to describe a small bone compared to a larger hominin known at that time.

Travis Pickering of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States, responsible for one of four studies, revealed that Little Foot had been seriously injured. His left forearm becomes a "bilateral asymmetry".

The forearms bent over and the researchers said this curvature resulted from a fall. Dr. Pickering and his colleagues said that it could fall to a significant height and that it could occur when he was a child.

Robin Crompton of the University of Liverpool worked on another document, also with Dr. Clarke, to find several large early hominins whose hind legs were longer than the limbs. This, they say, will have a dramatic impact on how individuals move.

It is effective to walk a longer distance, but it will make it less effective in climbing and Little Foot will not be able to transport the objects while walking.

The study, led by Dr. Clarke himself, badyzed the skull of Small Feet and highlighted another framework that supports the theory of new species.

"There are many, many differences, not only in the skull, but also in the whole skeleton," he said. The difference includes a flatter face than the A. Africanus and larger teeth with a large gap between the upper canines and the incisors, "he said.

"A. africanus is more omnivorous," said Dr. Clarke. Other studies have examined the relationship between the caves where the small feet were found and the skeleton.

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