Scientists in China say twins are not affected by HIV because of genetic modifications


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – A Chinese scientist claims to have succeeded in creating genetically engineered HIV-resistant twins.

But the procedure used is controversial and the university in which he works said he would investigate.

The Chinese scientist said he managed to create the first baby in the world whose genes were manipulated to create HIV-protected babies by their parents.

A noble goal, but unfortunately, this medical procedure has been considered controversial as it could pose a threat to the foundation of bioethics.

He Jiankui, a professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (Shenzhen), said that the DNA of two twins named "Lulu" and "Nana" had been changed by a method called CRISPR.

The second gene of the baby goes through "editing" that prevents the embryo from contracting HIV, He said. He added that the father of the two twins had HIV.

He explained that the parents of the two babies did not intend to have a "baby drawing" or a baby whose genes were manipulated so that later the children were the wishes of the parents.

"Their parents only want babies who will not suffer from preventable diseases," he said through videos posted on YouTube.

"I understand, my work is controversial, but I think there are families who need this technology and I'm willing to stand up to criticism about it."

Although it seemed to publish a video asking for an audience, but shortly after its publication, SUST University immediately issued a statement.

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