VIVA – The Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK) seized a number of important documents from case-related research in southern Lampung. Research conducted on Sunday, July 29, 2018 in six different locations in southern Lampung
"Of the six sites to date, a number of budget documents and projects and financial records have been obtained," said Febri Diansyah, spokesman for KPK. The research site of PT 9 Naga Emas, the house of the suspect Agus Bhakti Nugroha, the house of the suspect Anjar Asmara, the house of Syahroni, the residence of the suspect Gilang and the house of the vice-regent of South Lampung Nanang Ermanto
] In addition, the team KPK according to Febri will deepen the confiscated documents. KPK has already placed four suspects in the operation of hand-catching (OTT) in South Lampung
The four are suspected of corruption at Regent South Lampung related to infrastructure projects in the office of PUPR de the South Lampung Regency
Gilang Ramadan is believed to be the boss of CV 9 Dragon. Then, he is suspected to be the recipient of South Lampung Zainudin Hasan Regent, Agus Bhakti Nugroha, member of Lampung DPRD Province, and Anjar Asmara, head of PUPR Lampung Selatan
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