Secretly already having a girlfriend, Cut Meyriska is planning to get married next year?

[ad_1] – Cut Meyriska is an artist with a row of achievements in his young age. Still 25 years old, Cut Meyriska has already shown his acting skills to the big screen.

But there is one thing that is considered incomplete in the life of Cut Meyriska. All the while, movie star Jaran Goyang has almost never appeared with his trailer. But who would have thought if Cut Meyriska who had been taken to jomlo, she already has a boyfriend. Only Cut Meyriska deliberately admitted hiding it to the media.

Pesetron Blessing Love is new to show his partner if it's legal. "Was not taken (at the movie show), diumpetin first." Cut Meyriska in Epicentrum, South Jakarta, Wednesday (27/6/2018).

<img src = "" border = "0" alt = "Cut Meyriska still does not want to bring a girlfriend to (Cut Meyriska still does not want to bring a girlfriend to her show When she is advised on her wedding plan, the bloody Aceh woman hopes to get married in 2019.

"She still supports and encourages, Put the ring (bride), God willing next year, "he said, surprising, hope the prayers and lovers of Meyriska can come true.We are waiting for the good news of Cut Meyriska

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