Fredrich even plans to report the judges to the Judicial Commission because he has committed an offense.
He felt that the sentence was not very different from that of the previous Prosecutor. Prosecutors sued Fredrich with a 12-year prison sentence and a fine of 600 million rupees.
"I heard the judges, it turns out that the review board is a copy paste, cheat that the prosecutor." Fredrich told the court of Jakarta's corruption.
Fredrich considered a violation, and planned to report the panel of judges.
"We will report directly to KY We declare the call, today we also appeal," Fredrich baderted.
Fredrich also considered the panel of judges to replace the legal basis of Indonesia. He said the prosecutor called on Indonesia to adhere to the continental law, while according to Fredrich, the judges declared Indonesia as the Anglo-Saxon system
"That means that" they are in syndication or in groups to change the constitution of the RI ". the judge does not have independence and the judge is part of the KPK employees
"This court has a non-prosecutorial court The prosecutor is headed by a panel of judges but this seems to be a panel of judges headed by prosecutors.There is no agency in this republic of KPK because it is really all-powerful, "he explained.
Fredrich claimed to have predicted that he would be sentenced to about 7 years. This amount is lower than the 12-year-old prosecutor's claims. But again Fredrich said that the mad prosecutor asked him 12 years.
"If the prosecutor is a little healthy baseball, I said, prosecutors emang enggak sane.I am this corruption what?", Fredrich cover.
Judge Syaifudin reward Fredrich with 7 years in prison and a fine of 500 million rupees. Fredrich must replace him by a five month prison sentence
According to the judges, Fredrich violated in a lawful and convincing manner the indictment of Article 21 of the law 31 of 1999 on the eradication of corruption as amended by law 20 In 2001, in accordance with Article 55, paragraph 1, of the Penal Code
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