Solopos.com, SOLO – Program The eyes of Najwa who broadcast Trans7 last Wednesday (25/07/2010), opened the eyes of many people on the practice of luxury cells at Penitentiary (LP) Sukamiskin, Bandung. One of the most notable of the time was the presence of Setya Novanto in a cell that was not in its place and that was suspected to be a fake cell.
As seen in the program, Najwa Shihab hosted videos of her visit to LP Sukamiskin. . When he entered the cell listed as Setya Novanto's cell, Najwa had a dialogue with the former Speaker of the House and the former President of Golkar. At that time, Setya Novanto said he was very sincere about being in a much simpler cell than other corrupted cells.
In the program Najwa 's Eyes video interviews with Setya Novanto as well as a number of other prisoners were broadcast. dialogue with the Minister of Justice and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly in the studio. However, the television shows did not show the immediate reaction of Menkumham and the audience in the studio when the interview video of Setya Novanto was played. But the video Chase – Najwa Eyes At Pause on the Youtube channel Najwa Shihab shows their spontaneous reaction when the video of Setya Novanto speaks "sincerely".
The interview video of Setya Novanto contains an interesting conversation. At that time, Najwa asked if Setnov had heard the arrest of Sukamiskin leader Wahid Husein by the KPK. Setnov confessed shocked and finally offended the cell Fahmi Darmawansyah who participates tersiduk in OTT there. The cell, said Setnov, was on the other side of the cell.
"Have you ever seen his room?" Najwa asked. "Yes, we are if we are bored there to talk," said Setnov.
"Kan's room is luxurious yes sir," Najwa asked again. "It's hard, we go [fasilitas LP] aja lah, we can already aja," replied Setnov again.
However, Najwa urges asking if Setnov has ever interrogated Fahmi on his luxury cell with television and the refrigerator produces interesting answers. "Iyaa, sometimes look at it [sel mewah Fahmi] Yes, but I'm really sincere, I do not want to do everything," said Setnov.
Setnov's response to "sincerity" apparently provoked public laughter in the studio. In fact, Yasonna sat down laughing while shaking her head. Yasonna threw her hands, laughed widely, then tapped her forehead with her hand
Reported Solopos.com before, Setya Novanto currently lives in cells number 2 and 3 being unloaded to be a. In fact, he says, there was news that there was often a car carrying things to fill the cell.
"Beware, it's a slap in all the space since the week has been repaired and lifted all the facilities.A person is a cell, no workspace, it will be applied tonight we are looking for someone with the ability and integrity, "Yasonna replied.
Later, Yasonna Laoly revealed that before coming to the LP, Najwa had named the fake cell of Setnov. Then he invited the Najwa Eye team to enter the site.
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