Seven years Berikai, finally Apple and Samsung Peace

[ad_1], Jakarta – After a seven-year conflict, Apple and Samsung finally reconcile. As is known, the two tech giants have implicated a long feud after Apple accused Samsung of plagiarizing the screen design of the iPhone. which began in 2011 and was announced to Judge Lucy Koh Wednesday (27/06/2018), local time

Before the peace agreement, Apple had won the initial decision of an amount billion, or about 14 billion rupees. , 2 trillion. However, the case continues in the Supreme Court because Apple and Samsung insist on their respective patents, even on the claims and mutual accusations.

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Samsung was also largely due to Apple as it turned out to be a violation. Not accepted by the verdict, Samsung has brought the issue to the whirlwind of design and the right to use issues as a basic function of the phone.

The final verdict, Samsung has to pay $ 539 million or $ 7.7 billion Rp to Apple. Again, Samsung again appealed the verdict in June 2018.

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However, soon after the deposit, the two companies precisely states have resolved the dispute. Apple said the final decision of the issue remained dependent on the statement in 2018.

Unfortunately, Samsung is reluctant to comment on this peace deal. They did not seem to want the settlement of the dispute to become noisy and to reignite the controversy.

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As is known, in 2014, Apple won the lawsuit with the value of USD 120 million or Rp 1.7 trillion in regarding the patent. But Apple and Samsung have agreed to cancel the lawsuit. As is known, the patent infringement in question is a Slide-to-Unlock feature. (SN / FHP)

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