Shakira's words about this leukemia Making a rising police cope with her child's illness


TRIBUNJABAR.ID – Tears of Denada flowing profusely by telling the state of health of his son, Shakira Aurum.

Her 5.5-year-old daughter suffers from leukemia.

In the show No Rumpi No Secret is published on July 16, 2018, Denada reveals that Shakira is being cared for in one of Singapore's hospitals

It's been a month and a half since the child is treaty.

The heart of Denada is devastated by the misery of his daughter

(19659002) Denada must watch his son get blood

"Stitch here, paste it there, the blood can not draw, punch again, "says Denada sobbing

Shakira is also equipped with tools such as a pipe directly attached to a blood vessel.

Not only that, Shakira is also sedative and anesthetic. "19659002" The age is still 5.5 years, sleeping on mattresses and I have to see it.

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Shakira has not been informed of the illness suffered by Denada

"Frankly, until 39, What was wrong with him now, "Denada says,

Despite a harsh trial, Denada did not dare to question why God had given his son a sick test.

" I dare not say why Allah, I can only mouth. (19659002) "I just say yeah God I'm sad I'm scared, I suffer to see my child like that, too bad, I do not I do not have the heart (19659002) "Who does sincerely with Allah."

Because everything is done with sincerity, "he says.

Despite the feeling of not being able to see his son, Denada says that Shakira is afraid of being injected but that his daughter is a strong child

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Although not to confess to his son Denada also afraid to face the reality of his daughter, he must suffer.

"I am afraid, I know that he is afraid to be stabbed," says Denada.

Shakira remained brave and will face all this because of her mother

" But we will do it together yes, mother, & # 39; & # 39; Denada imitated Shakira's remarks

. (19459008) breakdown (destroyed), "said Denada.

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