Shandy Aulia calls Netizen Mouth more scary than the horror movie – VIVA


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VIVA – The actress Shandy Aulia should read the oblique and sharp comments of the warganet. In the comments, an account accused Shandy of being a woman who could not give a baby until he could only spend the husband's money.

Shandy until …capture and download through insta stories. He also gave answers to the cruel comments. When confirmed directly, Shandy just tries to smile to see people in the virtual world like this.

"Ah, that's normal, and his name is also a comment," Shandy said in an interview at the 21st Plaza Senayan Wednesday night, June 27, 2018.

Movie star & # 39;Rasuk & # 39; he did not respond to the hype even though the comment was judged by others went too far. He can not hide his dissatisfaction when asked more about the comment.

"No, baseball (disappointed), just Gémes", he said.

In the instaratoires downloads, Shandy even said that the human mouth that commented like that was so much more horrifying than the horror movies that exist. In fact, he said the words were more sinister than the astral creatures that had been incorporated into the film.

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