Should not be every day, ideally how many times in a week? – VIVA


VIVA – Defecation problems (BAB) are often underestimated by many people. Even if this is allowed to be constipated, it can even cause the hemorrhoid to make the anus puffy and bleed.

According to several studies, a person should ideally defecate at least three times a week. But some people often ignore it, delaying it and not showing a pattern of bowel movements.

In addition, many do not know what is the best time to do BAB in a day. So, what is the best time for stool?

"In fact, there is none when the best, in reality everyone is different, there is someone in the morning, there are some who are in the afternoon, in the evening or at night .It's good as long as the program is important, "said Dr. Riana Nirmala Wijaya, Sanofi Medical Expert, in this occurrence Dulcolax overcoming constipation while traveling, Wednesday, November 28, 2018.

This, according to Riana, because each person has a different metabolism. In some people, there are those who are used to bowel movements in the morning, but there are also those who do it at other times. For him, this is not a problem. Despite everything, he advised to always get used to the patterned BAB.

"So, getting used to CHAPTER, people tend to suffer from constipation because there is no defecation pattern, so it is recommended to eat at the toilet every 30 minutes each morning, "he said.

In addition, he suggested sufficient routine fluids, at least 2 liters per day. In addition, eat enough fruits and vegetables. Indeed, the body needs at least 18 grams of fiber per day.

"Then avoid caffeine and the correct BAB pattern, sometimes we underestimate it. dibiasain. L & # 39; try after eating, we go to the toilet so as not to stool, "said Rina.

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