Shroud Although the tomb was kept for 7 days, farmers suspect the truth


TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – The villagers of Medalem, Tulangan sub-district, Sidoarjo, East Java were stunned by the theft of a pocong rope or shroud of the corpse.

The stolen shroud is the property of the deceased, Kliwon (19/7/2018).

Flight events reportedly occurred on Friday (27/7/2018) night when the family and residents were not guarding anyone.

New families find out if the shroud of promise is stolen a day after there are witnesses who say there is something odd in Promise's grave.

Reported of It is first known by Suryat, who saw (19659006) Read: The Shroud of the Shroud Shrunk, Bloody Suggestions on the Tomb of the Dead Man Friday Legi

Suryat works as a farmer whose rice field is next to eating the Promise.

He is wary because at the cemetery there are digs.

Himself (19659002) After verification, it is true, there are traces of excavation and shells of coconut around the tomb that would have been used to flirt the soil.

At the edge of the tomb there is also an old foot of the authors who are still lagging behind

Read: After the birth of the 5th child, the mother was cursed and the cry of jump and seizure are then deceased, the grave was dismantled

Then the family unloaded the deceased grave as a result of his death. (19659002) After the disappearance of the shroud, the new family collects memories that previously had a strange and clumsy while the family kept the grave.

The strange thing is supposed to be someone who intentionally wanted to lead the graveyard guards to no longer keep.

With respect to this incident, the family sincerely admitted and would not

The deceased wife, Buarah, advised that the grave be kept until 40 days if anybody. one dies on Friday night of Legi.

Watch the video above! ( Futty Hapsari)

This article appeared on as "Heboh Shroud Flight in the Tomb of Sidoarjo, Tomb of the Death Promise Thursday Kliwon Dismantled People. "


Publisher: Eleonora Padmasta Eucharist Wijana
Reporter: Yulita Futty Hapsari
Video Production: fajri digit sholikhawan
Source: Surya

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