Silent users, three Facebook applications closed

[ad_1] – In addition to popular apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram, Facebook also has a number of relatively inaudible online services.

Three of them have recently closed, namely Moves, Hello and tbh. All three are new services that Facebook has acquired or launched over the past four years.

Moves is a fitness tracker that was acquired in 2014. Hello is the home dialer Android 2015 app, while social networking for teens, tbh, comes from # 39, be annexed Facebook in October 2017. [19659002]

In his statement, Facebook said that the three applications were closed due to lonely amateurs. They have not managed to accumulate a significant number of users.

In the case of Moves and Hello, these two apps seem to work after their acquisition or launch by Facebook. Hello's development has just stopped four months after its debut.

Regarding tbh, the social network that gives its users anonymity is actually still being updated, and then added the messaging function .

As summarized KompasTekno of The Verge Tuesday (07/04/2018), Facebook plans to delete user data in the three online services within 90 days to the before

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